I tried extracting DNA from an unknown environmental fungal isolate using Qiagen DNeasy extraction kit. However, I was unable to extract DNA in the first attempt. Then I tried increasing the incubation time but still was unable to extract the DNA. Then in my third attempt I homogenized the fungal tissue using mortar & pestle followed by Qiagen Blood & Tissue kit procedural steps and was able extract the DNA with following Nanodrop readings;

Concentration - 46.7 ng/µL

A260/A280 - 1.86

A260/A230 - 1.11

A260 - 0.93

A280 - 0.5

Factor - 50.00

Baseline correction: 340 nm, 0.11 Absorbance

However, upon PCR amplification using the extracted DNA against ITS-1 and ITS-4 primers did not yield any amplification but the amplification was observed with the positive control. Further, I tried setting up PCR with diluted DNA (1:5, 1:10, 1:20) and also with increased quantity of DNA; adding up to 4 µL of template DNA to a 10µL reaction volume. But none of the reactions yielded any amplification.

Can anyone help me understand why the DNA is not getting amplified?

Thanks & Regards

Dr T Yugendran

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