15 March 2019 12 3K Report

Hi all,

My PCR to amplify 9kb fragment of barley was working well and give clear bands (9kb and one unspecific band about 1 kb). All the PCR conditions have been optimized, and they worked perfectly (Plz see the image 1). I extract the target band after running electrophoresis to use as template for re-amplify that 9kb. When I tried to run the PCR again using extracted DNA fragment as template (I have diluted it 1/100, 1/200, 1/500 and 1/1000), and included the DNA template I used in the first PCR as the controls. Unfortunately, the PCR failed, and I could not get any bands in any reactions when running electrophoresis (image 2). I used agarose gel 0.7% before and it worked well.


image 1: https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7853/46659204104_58d481f56a_m.jpg

Image 2:


Can anyone suggest any reasons for that, and the solutions if available. Honestly, it happened to me twice before with two other pairs of primers, and I do not want to redesign the primers.

Thank you every one for help,


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