Whenever I mill silica gel with other materials in stainless steel milling jar, the color of the powder goes from white (initial) to dark and darker color like yellow, dark yellow, brown, dark brown.

I did X-ray fluoresence on my samples with different milling duration and discovered that the metal composition for Si is decreasing (from 99.5% to 89%) while Cr, Fe and Mn is increasing after 9 hours of grinding (from 0% to 9%). I know my samples are contaminated with metal elements from stainless steel. However, at first glance, it doesn't look like the concentration is high enough to cause such significant color change in the powder (from white to dark brown). Could silica gel form any compound with these aforementioned metal element? Like maybe a composite? Or iron oxide is formed during the process as the reaction is performed in the air? But how could iron oxide form such easily just by grabbing oxygen from the air?

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