Hello All,

I have been noticing that my cells haven't had the greatest viability. Typically when I passage my cells I see upper 90% in terms of viability and only see a drop in viability 3 days after I have reached terminal volume. However, recently I have seen lower viability when I passage around upper/mid 80% and then seemingly at random my cells viability drops into low 60% with very little cell density ~1e6. My first thought is contamination so I do the smell test and don't smell any sense of yeast. I check under the microscope at 4X, 10X, 20X and I don't see anything out of ordinary also checking with GFP lens and see that the cells that are clumped together are still showing green color. I check the images that are taken by the vi-cell and don't see anything out of ordinary. I have also been checking the culture visually and don't see anything that catches my eye. What else can I do to figure out what is happening with my cells?

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