I stained one cryovial PBMCs according to the CFSE protocol (invitrogen C34570). One day before staining, I thawed the cells and rested them in media (ingredients is below ) for 24 hours. On the second day, I removed media and washed cells twice with DPBS then stained the cells with CFSE, cultured them in a 96-well V bottom plate, and stimulated them with 1% PHA (GibcoTM). After 5 days, I excluded dead cells by zombie NIR (Biolegeng cat. 423105) and read them by flow cytometry, but a lot of cells were dead after 5 days in the well that PBMCs stained with CFSE but not in the well where the cells were not stained with CFSE. I think CFSE staining affects the cells, and the cells are dead after 5 days. I want to know how I can solve this problem?
( PBMC media composition: 1X 2-mercaptoethanol (1000X Gibco Ref: 21985-023) 1X MEM non-essential amino acids (100X Gibco Ref: 1140-050) 1X Sodium pyruvate (100 mM Gibco Ref: 11360-070) 1X penicillin/streptomycin (100X Gibco Ref: 10378-016) 10% inactivated FBS RPMI 1640 + L-glutamine (Gibco Ref: 11875-093))
Also, I repeated the test in a 24-well plate and washed cells once instead of twice before CFSE staining. I also added DMSO in parallel with CFSE staining to check the cytotoxicity of DMSO on cells, but unfortunately, after 5 days, only PBMCs that stained with CFSE were dead (5-10 % live cells), but not PBMCs without CFSE staining (50-70% live cells) or PBMCs with DMSO (36% live cells) . I don’t know what is wrong with CFSE staining because it seems to have a cytotoxic effect on cells, and the cells will be dead after 5 days.
Is it possible I face this problem because I used PBMCs that were frozen one year ago?
Or is an experimental compound resulting in cytotoxicity?