Dear all,

I am trying to isolate and culture bovine endometrial stromal cells (stromal fibroblast cells) by using collagenase type II for digestion (conc. 2mg/ml). I tried tow times but the result is not satisfactory. the working protocol as follows (main steps)-

  • minced the tissue with sterile scalpel
  • digested with type II collagenase for 60-80 min
  • filtered through 40 um sterile cell strainer and used the flowthrough which contain single cells.
  •  centrifuged at 400 g for 5 minutes
  • removed the red blood cells using RBC lysis buffer
  • added media to restore isotonicity and after that seeded into the culture plate.
  • In either case, after 2 days there is no visible cells. there were few very scattered small cells and they died after 7 days of culture. 

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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