Which is the best mounting medium for liver frozen sections stained with oil red O? An aqueous one as Ab104135 could be the solution (even if suggested for IF)? Thanks in advance.
As shown in this site: http://www.ihcworld.com/_protocols/special_stains/oil_red_o_ellis.htm
3. Glycerine Jelly Mounting Medium
Gelatin (Kitchen grade) 10 g Distilled Water 60 ml
Glycerol 70 ml Phenol 0.25 g
Dissolve the gelatine in the distilled water using sufficient heat to melt the gelatine, add the glycerol and phenol. Mix well and transfer to a small capped bottle and refrigerate.
Thanks Subhash! I've tried. I think something is wrong in the amount of gelatin. Or in the procedure described. Have you tried this recipe? When you try to dissolve gelatin in water with mild warming, a dense foam appears. I don't think this recipe could be useful for a mounting medium.