Dry and powdered unopened Gelatin can last for long periods. If the package of gelatin though is opened, then it would not last long and would need to be used within 3 months. Look at the outside appearance of Gelatin. Discoloration can indicate that Gelatin is spoilt. If mold is found on the Gelatin powder, it indicates that it has spoilt.
The gelatin based final product loses its texture and could become watery once its quality has become deteriorated.
Normally gelatin is odorless, however have have a foul odor if it is exposed to air for a long time due to exposure to moisture in the air causing it to go bad.
The most common issue with older gelatin is the growth of bacillus and endosporeforming genera. see: Article Study of the Bacterial Load in a Gelatine Production Process...
Hi my friend how are you, really I am very sorry to answer you late. Regarding to your past question for that paper ;Improved sintering quality and mechanical properties of peanut husk powder/polyether sulfone composite for selective laser sintering; you can directly download from journal of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. 2021https://doi.org/10.1089/3dp.2021.0036.