A mammalian order which consists of 29 families and many genera. | Contact experts in Rodentia to get answers
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Questions related to Rodentia
How can we calculate the sample size for rodents for a study for one year? Are there any specific protocols to be followed for designing rodent sampling? How long should be the sampling interval...
02 March 2021 1,294 3 View
Dear All, I have access to some rodent fecal samples that have been stored at -20C instead of -80C. Anyone have experience with the impact of stowage condition on comparative metagenomic analysis...
02 March 2021 2,849 1 View
There are two extant species of Hydrochoerus: Hydrochoerus isthmius, the lesser or Panamanian capybara, and the genotype species H. hydrochaeris. The latter is the more common species of capybara,...
12 February 2021 3,864 14 View
I have read several articles mentioning the preparation of the drug disulfiram (DSF) in olive oil for oral gavage of rodents. However, in those papers, there is no description of how this is...
07 January 2021 4,042 1 View
What are the best thermal imagers to use in the study of insectivores, rodents and carnivorous mammals in soil horizons? The ability to detect herpetocomplex with a thermal imager in natural shelters?
18 November 2020 546 5 View
Looking for papers which detail the various modes of social organization in rodent species.
11 October 2020 3,885 3 View
Our rodent'treadmill's bars show voltage but not affected animals. I cleaned all those bars as rat's urine is dielectric. Do you have any idea that helps me? Thanks
21 September 2020 6,147 2 View
Hi, I would like to record and analyze ultrasonic vocalization of rodent (rat and mouse) newborn pups, and I find Wildlife Acoustics Echo Meter Touch 2 bat detector and the Kaleidoscope Lite...
19 September 2020 6,002 3 View
I would like to know in two different treadmill protocols, if we are going to reduce the treadmill velocity for rodents (14 m/min instead of 20 m/min) but increase the time of exercise (60 min...
24 August 2020 496 2 View
Does anyone know where I can find dodecyl propionate? Dodecyl propionate is a rodent pheromone present in rat pup's preputial gland (original paper by Brouette-Lahlou et al., 1991, J Chem Ecol,...
19 June 2020 6,527 2 View
The Novel Object Recognition Test (NORT) is now among the most commonly used behavioral tests for rodents, It is used to evaluate cognition, particularly recognition memory in rodent models of CNS...
15 June 2020 8,635 9 View
Dear all Does someone have a recent rodent phylogenetic tree (preferably in Nexus format or any other format usable in R) or knows a publication with a recent tree? Currently I am still using...
25 May 2020 3,814 4 View
For performing F-DOPA PETscan in rodents I have read it is possible to dilute entacapone pills and inject the solution at a dose of 10mg/Kg. Nevertheless, the solubility of the compound is very...
12 January 2020 945 3 View
01 January 2020 2,919 3 View
The idea is to use rodents and to induce HGT within their microbiomes, one high exposure group, one low exposure and one control. The extent of HGT will then be assessed. What size would my sample...
01 January 2020 8,018 2 View
Please, can you brief that a normal human echocardiogram device can be used to measure rodent heart status? Thanks
12 December 2019 5,666 1 View
What are the different methods to evaluate circadian rhythm in rodents (rats and mice)? One method I found is Actimetrics which is not available in our lab. Can anybody suggest any alternative method
22 October 2019 5,833 2 View
How would you distinguish peripheral monocytes from tissue macrophages with IHC? Specifically, I am interested in looking at rodent brain tissue. Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Dan
10 October 2019 3,913 3 View
08 October 2019 2,907 3 View
I would like to know what is the best way to train mice in a virtual environment to perform behavioural tasks (to run consistently, to train them to reach a specific target without stops before to...
10 September 2019 4,041 4 View
09 September 2019 5,676 2 View
I'm trying to find examples of EM being used in rodent brain tissue for quantification of synapse density and ultrastructure. If this has been done, are there special considerations that have to...
08 August 2019 6,161 2 View
Hi. What kind of equipment do you use for taking pictures of gross lesions during necropsy? I am looking for not too fancy digital camera. Can anyone recommend a camera that takes good quality...
08 August 2019 5,216 1 View
What is the significance of the following solutions being used as rodent"s organ fixatives, between normal saline, citrate buffer and sucrose?
10 July 2019 5,759 1 View