I had great results with the DNEasy® Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen). Using a bead-beating step to break down the cell wall (would fill a 1.5uL microfuge tube with beads to the meniscus of the sample then vortex for 2 minutes (I do not remember the exact size, but I think 2um was the bead size. Then added enzymatic lysis buffer before proceeding with the rest of the protocol.
E.Z.N.A.® High Performance (HP) Fungal DNA Kit worked good for herbarium material. It´s based on a chloroform extraction. I think for old DNA samples the advantage of kits is (beside time saving) the separation of highly fragmented DNA (< 200 bp) from fragments of higher mol. weight. The small fragments might otherwise "catch" away your primers without being suitable for PCR (because they are simply not long enough to reach from one primer binding site to the other).
We use FTA Cards (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) to extract spores DNA from herbaria material. We are managing to extract DNA from very old type specimens (with over one hundred years)!