which acid or base should be added to adjust the PH of CYM media of the following composition: ( 1% w/v maltose, 2% w/v glucose, .2 % yeast extract, .2% tryptone, .05% MgSo4.7 H2O, .46%KH2PO4 )?
Someone will say that NaOH and HCl is not good because they forming salt, can change some composition in nutrient media and can have influence in grow (yes may be) but more than 15 year I'm using this chemicals and nothing was happened.
Thanks a lot for your reply dear Karen and yusuf for your reply. But kindly could you illustrate for me why I don't use H2SO4 or H3PO4 as acids and KOH as base, because the ions of those acids and bases are already exist in my media but Cl in HCL and Na in NaOH are not. So I thought this may affect my fungi growth.