I am going to prepare a culture medium for the buds of a calla lily, but I'm not too sure If I have to add the antibiotics after the sterilization or before.
Basically antibiotic sterilization is not required, but 0.2 micron filtration could be used and make a well on sterile agar plate by puncturing the gel with sterilized cork borer......
I am interested in this question, because i want to culture anaerobs in blood gelose and i know I should add antibiotics. Would you give me the protocole of preparation of sheep blood agar with antibiotics?
I am also interested in this question, i have to make a viable count for resistant colonies that will generate when using antibiotics mixed with the agar media!
So, ow can i mix the antibiotic with the agar media, can i mix it before pouring the agar to solidify? and this test will be called viable count or agar well diffusion method (if i make a hole in the agar to add the antibiotics)?
Usually, antibiotics are added for sterilization by two ways. Before entering explants to laminar hode ( by soaking explants in it for appropriate time) or by addition to the culture medium after autoclaving ( by filteration). Good luck!
This very good question. antibiotics there are two types of antibiotics the first one is thermolabile and second one is autoclvable. use the second one is better and I advice you to use tetracycline and rifampicin with a rate 10-20 mg/L. up to 3 subculture