16 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Parastou Rahimizadeh
I want to predict the DAR ratio based on the number of cys available for conjugation to Cys residue. I use Ellman's assay to predict the concentration of Cys after TCEP reduction. I gain a...
03 July 2024 498 6 View
I want to determine the conjugated drug to IgG ratio by nanodrop. I know the extinction coefficient of IgG and drug by M-1cm-1 but all the unit in the nandrop program is based on g/ml and so on...
16 May 2024 9,039 4 View
I had a BL21 (DE3) cell which I always use to express GFP protein which fused to a coil. Based on the vector map given to me, this gene is inside the pQE80 vector which has resistance to...
15 December 2020 4,607 4 View
I tried to express my protein in BL21(DE3) bacteria. The desired protein MW is 65.5 KDa and I know my protein will be in an insoluble form (inclusion body). I separate soluble and insoluble...
21 October 2020 4,219 8 View
I want to investigate the interaction between two proteins by ITC. I choose two proteins that I'm sure don't interact with each other as a control. but ITC results show there is some interaction...
23 June 2020 2,362 5 View
during immobilization of enzyme on support, for example activated chitosan with glutaraldehyde, which surface residue of enzyme molecule intracte with support?
08 August 2015 7,245 9 View
When we have two forms of As in an environment, how and in which potential does the reduction of As+3 to As0 occur, and the interference of As+5 form is zero?
16 February 2015 728 3 View
I want to show the effect of some detergent on enzymatic activity in immobilized form and free form. The data shows that I get different results. Tritton has bad effect on immobilized form(as...
09 January 2015 6,993 14 View
I immobilize enzyme on chitosan macrobead with Glutaraldehyde as crosslinker. I want to know how FTIR confirm immobilization? Which wavelength is related to chitosan with glutaraldeyde and which...
06 January 2015 4,230 9 View
I want to immobilize enzyme on chitosan macrobead, i want to know macro size of particle doesn't have any advantages for immobilization? I use CMC as substrate,can I relate this viscose substrate...
05 January 2015 2,592 8 View
I want to clone a gene in a vector with His-tag. My protein is an enzyme and its active site is in the center. Is there any difference between adding an His-tag at the C-er or N-ter of the protein?
05 January 2015 9,425 4 View
I immobilize enzyme on chitosan macrobead after activating them with glutaraldehyde. I want to set up optimum condition for emobilized enzyme. Optimum pH shift from6.5 to 8?! Is there any reason...
02 January 2015 700 6 View
I want to immobilize my produced enzyme on chitosan macrobead with glutaraldehyde as crosslinker.i treat 1 gram of chitosan macrobead by10ml glutaraldehyde 0.3% based on literature,after that...
28 July 2014 2,260 12 View
I want to clone my gene to expreesion vector in Ecoli, after I clean my pcr product, I have a good band. In digestion step, after digesting the gene I don't get any band, but I perform a ligation...
01 February 2014 9,803 16 View
I tried to express a protein in the bacteria system (BL21 (DE3)). This expressed protein in any temperature and condition shows a bond lower than expectation on SDS-PAGE (theoretical MW:66284 Da)....
01 January 1970 4,746 3 View
I am gonna do an Ellman assay and based on the datasheet I should measure the molar absorption at 412 nm. I wonder ELISA reader or nanodrop one can be used to do measurements at this wavelength...
01 January 1970 1,886 4 View