07 January 2015 3 10K Report

We have experienced significant difficulty when inducing the recombination of a CreERT2 Tg mouse line in fetal liver for lineage tracing purpose. CreERT2 mice were mated with R26R-EYFP report line.

Various injection doses were attempted, for instance, 1mg/injeciton/day Tam intraperitoneal injection to the plugged mother at E8.5-E11.5 and E12.5 embryos were harvested for flow analysis of the presence of YFP+ve cells. The absolute number of YFP+ve cells in the fetal liver were extremely low and it is about ~0.1% of total liver cell suspension (We are expecting to label 1-2% of total liver cell). We used cells harvested from embryonic limbs of the same embryo for positive control and limb cell suspension contains >15% YFP+ cells. Thus we knew that our Tam injection went into these embryos. In order to examine whether we have injected sufficient amount of Tamoxifen, we have also tried to inject 2mg Tam/injection/day and 1mg Tam/injection twice a day. Neither of them make significant difference in the number/percentage of YFP+ cells in fetal liver, however, higher injection doses do increase the percentage of YFP+ in embryonic limb upto 30%.

After I searched in Pubmed, I couldn't find a lot of successful Cre recombinations in mouse fetal liver other than Hayashi's work (PMID: 11944939). In his work, he shows there is a marginal labelling of fetal liver cells when injecting 9mg tamoxifen. 

Does anyone have experience with inducing CreERT in fetal liver? Or this is known to be challenging? 

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