Hey everyone,
I'm trying to account for differences that may be caused by inter-plate variation during bioenergetic status measurement with a Seahorse Analyzer. I ran fourteen 24-well dishes; 4 samples each (in quadruplicate) and one inter-plate control (IPC) also in quadruplicate (the same sample ran on each plate).
My idea was to divide the values of each experimental well by the IPC mean from the respective plate, followed by multiplying the experimental wells by the mean of all IPC wells.
I checked the IPC data for normality (assumption was not met) so ran a non-parametric (Kruskal-Wallis) test using the IPC well values to determine if there was significant difference between plate controls. Result was "no" with a p = 0.1445.
As a science student struggling with statistics, any thoughts or recommendations are appreciated.