I've been trying to culture human fetal microglia from whole human fetal brain samples.  I've been using the protocol by Durafort, et al. (link attached).  Of course the first time I tried the protocol it worked great, but every sample thereafter has been resulting in nearly complete cell death.  

The first time I did the prep there were clearly lots of cells that stuck to the flask the next day and my total microglia yield was on target for what the authors reported.  Now the cells that are there barely stick to the flask and are easily lifted just by gently moving the flask, and they look nothing like the cells that I got the first time I completed the prep.

The one difference is that the first time I used heat-inactivated FBS and since then I've been using charcoal-stripped FBS.  Otherwise the media is the same (DMEM, 5% FBS, 1% pen/strep).

As I've only tried the prep a couple of times, I'm wondering if this is something with sample variability or maybe even if there is something going wrong in how the samples are being shipped to us (in media vs. PBS, in which case the cells may just be dying in the PBS).  I just completed a prep yesterday and will have another look in a few days (I don't want to touch the flasks just in case any cells may get lifted).

If you happen to know of a method that works or tips or tricks that work for them I would really appreciate it!  If you have any questions for me let me know.  Thanks!


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