This is a question asking for your opinion. I'm wondering which companies and vendors do you think make the best, most reliable Luminex kits available? Or on the other hand, which companies you would suggest to avoid?

I'm mostly curious in your opinions because while there used to be only a few companies that would offer Luminex technology, now there are more and more companies offering kits.

I have personally used a few different vendors to analyze mouse samples, and the vendors were largely chosen based on which analytes we were assessing and which panels were readily available. Some vendors only issue kits with a prepared set of analytes, while others allow you to pick and choose which analytes you're specifically interested in and offer an ability to easily design a custom kit where your cost is based purely on how many analytes you select.

Now, one thing to remember is that the Luminex beads themselves are still under patent and are only availble from Luminex. The difference in the kits comes from the antibodies used that the companies attach to the Luminex beads.

I look forward to hearing your opinions! I also think this thread will serve as a decent reference for anyone looking to perform a Luminex assay, especially as they are quite and expensive investment.

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