Hi all, I found two groups of genes showed differential CHG methylation in gene body regions, I am wondering the potential biological significance of The difference. Can anyone give some information or references. Many thanks in advance.
Let F be a field. Consider U, the set of n times n strictly upper triangular matrices in F. For X, Y in U, we call them similar if there exists some S, which is non-degenerate and upper...
01 March 2021 2,957 8 View
18 February 2021 9,188 3 View
There are two plates with horizontal center crack, one with crack length of a with the other with a+da. The bottoms are fixed while the tops are under the same displacement load. For intuition,...
11 February 2021 9,543 2 View
Hello Dear Researchers, I am confused about the Difference between Second-harmonic generation and Two-photon absorption? Can anyone describe the two phenomena briefly in the physical picture? What...
24 January 2021 9,912 5 View
I want to find a GPC available solvent to dissolve both lipid (DPPC, 2 mM) and salt (NaCl, 100 mM).
14 January 2021 3,805 2 View
I just developed a new theory on electromagnetic and plan to publish in a Journal. The findings are purely through strict mathematical derivation without any disputable assumptions and also...
13 January 2021 1,558 5 View
Hi all, I'm working on transforming E. coli with plasmid in a mixture of linear and circular form. What happened to the linear form once uptake? Do cells ligate them directly? Or cell DNase...
13 January 2021 8,336 4 View
I detect the plasma AngII concentration by AngII ELISA kit (ENZO), the results show that plasma AngII decrease in AngII infusion mice. I check with the kit and find that the kit could recognize...
31 December 2020 8,838 3 View
Hi, I use YASARA (version 17.8.15) on windows 10 and recently I am trying to install FoldX plugin on YASARA. Here is what I did: 1. Download YASARA plugin for windows (and the executable and...
24 December 2020 536 3 View
Dear all, I want to find a specific primer for genus Sphingobium, could you give me some idea on it? Thank you so much~
13 December 2020 4,455 4 View
We are preparing some experiments based on irradiating cells under different conditions in order to evaluate the effects in terms of DNA damage, genetic expression, etc. As our project is...
01 March 2021 3,355 3 View
Dear Dr. Cai, my name is Simone Prospero and I work in the team of Phytopathology at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research (WSL;...
01 March 2021 1,133 1 View
I am looking at the ATP1A2 (Sodium/Potassium ATPase alpha subunit 2) in two human neuronal cell lines. Expression levels of this protein seems to be almost equal when detected by one antibody....
01 March 2021 3,607 3 View
Is there any book chapter/book, webpage or research article available to understand genome-wide gene identification?
28 February 2021 8,095 1 View
I have two groups of brain samples, control and treated for example. It was total RNA nova seq sequencing. I tried all the available pipeline like: star+rsem+deseq2, Hista+stringtie+cuffdiff,...
27 February 2021 356 6 View
Dear colleagues, I have found that many authors have a concern regarding their missing citation in RG because often citation in RG is lower than google scholars. I also missed some citation...
26 February 2021 928 6 View
26 February 2021 7,279 2 View
I used EdgeR to get the list of DEGs (differentially expressed genes) from my liver RNA-seq experiment. I have done the gene overrepresentation and GSEA based pathway analysis. I am currently...
23 February 2021 8,969 1 View
I would like to analyze multiple gene expressions in normal and cancer tissue by using the data in the TCGA and GTEx databases. Please suggest a tutorial or paper showing step by step analysis of...
23 February 2021 9,007 3 View
I am currently working on gene clustering based on co-expression pattern in mouse brain. The problem is I do not have some solid way to test my result. Are there any suggestions for databases...
22 February 2021 4,374 3 View