Conditions we used were- 98deg 45s | 98deg 10s | 52deg 30s | 72deg 40s | 72deg 10mins | x35 cycles. But did not get positive results. So we tried gradient PCR to optimize the annealing temperature(48 to 59 deg).
The attached gel picture is of the gradient PCR product. Please tell me how to get crisp bands and what I can infer from these bands
Other details-
MasterMix-RedTaq (Amplicon),
Template conc.-100ng/ul for 10ul reaction
Matk forward- 5’- CGT ACA GTA CTT TTG TGT TTA CGA G- 3’
Matk reverse- 5’- ACC CAG TCC ATC TGG AAA TCT TGG TTC- 3’