Names trend like everything else in a culture? What is the funniest name of a person you have ever heard? If the name is in a language other than English, explain the meanings.
"Inshalla Yaeesh" Arabic for "God willing , he will live".
This is an example of an old practice by Iraqi Arabs to give their children names that reflect their parents' desire that their child lives. The practice was not uncommon during the time when mortality rates were high among newly born children.
Another one is "Basaad", Arabic for "That's enough!". It is an Iraqi girls' name which is usually given to the last born baby girl in the family. It indicates the parent(s) decision not to have any more children; "No more babies, that's enough!".
"Inshalla Yaeesh" Arabic for "God willing , he will live".
This is an example of an old practice by Iraqi Arabs to give their children names that reflect their parents' desire that their child lives. The practice was not uncommon during the time when mortality rates were high among newly born children.
Another one is "Basaad", Arabic for "That's enough!". It is an Iraqi girls' name which is usually given to the last born baby girl in the family. It indicates the parent(s) decision not to have any more children; "No more babies, that's enough!".
"Boota" ---- Male Name, titled in Pakistan (common in Punjab, 1960- 1990), meaning "a plant", "a tree".
"Lota" ----- political name entitled to a person who is habitual to change political parties, compromise dignity, respect, character over grabbing continuous monitory funds.
1) Telésforo... que no tengo idea de dónde viene pero a un grupo de amigos les sonó a Teléfono y fósforo...
2) Usnavi, nombre que un grupo que vivía en las riveras de un Río en la Amazonía de Bolivia le puso a su primogénito, en agradecimiento a los médicos que una vez al mes suelen pasar por esas comunidades bosquimanas. El origen es el nombre que leyeron en el buque hospital que llevaba al doctor por el río, y que estaba a cargo de las Fuerzas Navales que tiene Bolivia en esos ríos. El nombre escrito en el buque era US-NAVY, de donde dedujeron que era el nombre del Buque Hospital y le pusieron Usnavi.... simple.. hermosamente humano.