32 Questions 281 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fred Romano
My curiosity comes from a 1538 book in Italian, written by Antonio Manutius, "Trip from Alessandria to India". This word, "dacµ" (look image) is only used in this part, and can be translated in...
06 June 2019 5,029 8 View
I mean somebody with no scientific reasons and a lot of orthographic errors trying to "sell" his clues for happiness.
10 October 2018 3,366 0 View
Quezacoalt God promised to come back, bringing the red color to the Aztecs, which mean they didn't had bright red colorant. Hernan Cortes, who conquered Mexico, was born in Medellin, Extremadura,...
09 September 2018 1,607 4 View
Prusiner was given a Nobel price for explaining prion biology, unique in our biosphere. Prions are almost impossible to destroy, following WHO, in order to attenuate them, you have to boil them in...
09 September 2018 9,491 9 View
In the Middle Ages, copying was very common. Not only copying monks, but a large number of authors did copy, at times various ancient authors in the same book, without citing their sources. In the...
01 January 1970 3,543 2 View
Personally, I always follow the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges's trick: read the first page and the last page. If in-between triggers your curiosity, if you think "how could the author...
01 January 1970 4,497 13 View
I think if the question of domestic junk is not resolved in Muslims countries, it is largely because religious authorities don't do their job, which is interpreting the Qoran. As far my formal...
01 January 1970 7,596 5 View
I'll be very interested by a semantic analysis of Bible, or Qoran, or Torah. Of course, the main problem would be which version of them to analyze? Or is it possible to analyze and compare all the...
01 January 1970 6,336 37 View
I think babies should be put in contact with as much new languages as they can, basically through sounds and games, somehow preparing the brains for further language studies.
01 January 1970 5,332 3 View
I'm unsure to understand everything but i think this theory is very seductive and beautiful. Using general physics laws to get energy. Emit something to get DC energy: give to get...
01 January 1970 1,903 6 View
Fashion industries were able to unite to reject animal furs from fashion shows. Do you think they'll be able to unite against human slavery in fashion?...
01 January 1970 7,960 1 View
a revolutionary new model for the universe (Oxford University): https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/12/aa32898-18/aa32898-18.html I find it very stimulating, what are your thoughts ?
01 January 1970 3,278 0 View
As I think fear is useless and counterproductive, I have a much better opinion of apprehension. To apprehend the world, the circumstances, you own being, is to grasp the meaning of. So, of course,...
01 January 1970 1,207 2 View
That's what Petracha said in 14th C. Florence: " I couldn't face making a merchandise of my mind ". What are your thoughts at the respect?
01 January 1970 5,024 3 View
Mr Macron, French President, during his trip to Algeria, the ex-French department brutally colonized, stated it was better to forget about the past, to have the better view and concentrate all...
01 January 1970 2,636 3 View
Still very gifted with improvisation, it is how I described a young, new neurologist my own way of conceiving my disease. Toxic souvenirs hermetically close-in disrupt the information flow, what...
01 January 1970 3,807 6 View
My research contradict most of the "recognized knowledge", revealing intentional lies centuries-old. Generations of scholars had built their little "boutique" (including conferences and...
01 January 1970 771 13 View
This article analyze the consequences of Tambora's implosion (Indonesia) and the climate change it provoked in 19th C....
01 January 1970 9,714 20 View
A wonderful website, that have all the qualities: informative, regularly updated, beautiful, so intuitive it allows illiterate as well as Indonesian non-speakers to easily navigate. A great...
01 January 1970 6,478 2 View
"This is a novel insight, which opens up a broad horizon for future investigation" and it is. With my amateur formation and MS-affected patient experience, this is the most intelligent article I...
01 January 1970 4,094 2 View
As they say in France, following Deborah Bosley, academic should not write to express, but to impress. But, fortunately, a movement for a more reader-friendly literature is growing in the US,...
01 January 1970 2,033 65 View
And of course, they do it for stupid reasons. There's a thing brains dislike among anything: our own nose in our field of vision. So, what is the brain's dictatorial response? It simply suppress...
01 January 1970 3,056 1 View
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1352458517739975#articleShareContainer : the best idea I ever read on mulltiple sclerosis. As a writer, I would like to extrapolate it. Serotonin being the...
01 January 1970 8,525 4 View
Maybe my favorite is the one I don't have presently the opportunity to eat, which was also Queen Victoria's favorite: mangoustan from Indonesia. But I can't resist either to a good Valencia orange...
01 January 1970 4,248 12 View
I've been proposed by a neurolog to get suppressed the B cells from my immune system. I really dislike the idea, not having any crisis since 2002. I think this medicine may fit cases more severe...
01 January 1970 4,889 2 View
Rationale and methodology Not only the acting work itself is a fantastic source of teachings, that may help the shyest, but also, in their relationship with the character, students may discover...
01 January 1970 5,653 3 View
After more than ten years searching the net in three or more languages, and almost nothing more than research, I have the strange sensation Google Search knows better my research in general and...
01 January 1970 9,780 3 View
Due to its cinematographic History, we know very little about vanilla medicinal properties, apart from its supposed aphrodisiac power, that just may come from its unique exotic taste. Traditional...
01 January 1970 598 7 View
Most of us speak fluently 3 or more languages. But do you realize in which language you're thinking? In which language do you talk to yourself? Personally, English is a great way to clarify and...
01 January 1970 1,714 60 View
What I love about US English is it's the perfect language to describe unknown things and their possible evolution. A language for pioneers, that nevertheless lacks the most important advantage of...
01 January 1970 7,077 14 View
The roncador flies below the sea, too heavy to get out. Before, it was quite common in our wonderful cristalline waters in Formentera, Balears; now, it turned rare. Male fishes have extraordinary...
01 January 1970 2,525 0 View
The experience I had with neurologists: whatever they say is based most of the time in a former report (practically don't work by themselves but follow) and then they ask for analysis trying to be...
01 January 1970 301 4 View