A verbal or nonverbal means of communicating ideas or feelings. | Contact experts in Language to get answers
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Questions related to Language
The Publication Manual of APA (7th edition) has a very useful chapter on bias-free language. I would like to know if you've come across such chapters or sections in other publication manuals or...
22 October 2020 1,815 4 View
I'm doing a comparative study on social media language used by native and non-native speakers with special reference to Instagram. I am planning on using Discourse analysis. What is your take on...
19 April 2020 523 25 View
In his important poem “Little Gidding”, T.S.Elliot makes the soul of a dead man say of his and by implication all our lives: Since our concern was speech, and speech impelled us To purify the...
09 March 2020 4,681 3 View
I'm often very skeptical about the language decisions and policies issued by governments or self-proclaimed language authorities to control the way people use language. Nevertheless, I'm just...
29 February 2020 6,151 4 View
02 February 2020 3,671 2 View
Dear Friends, Greeting. Happy New Year. I wish everybody a prosperous New Year. I'm thinking of a project for checking the sound (phonetics) that will lost or promoted while switching from one...
02 January 2020 8,176 6 View
01 January 2020 9,502 4 View
Can you think of a research work OR a way to prove that "a certain bag of words has more value / worth / creativity than other set of words" ! For example: Enjoy is more proper than chill OR...
12 December 2019 4,747 9 View
Hi, I am a german university student (business administration and psychology) and I am going to write my bachelor thesis. I would like to research a correlation between stress and the language....
18 September 2019 4,241 3 View
09 September 2019 9,725 3 View
What is the best Instructional Design Model (IDM) to follow when designing an AR learning app for language acquisition for non speakers age (23-30)?
10 July 2019 8,095 2 View
According to Noam Chomsky, "the Martian language might not be so different from human language after all.” And, "if a Martian visited Earth, it would think we all speak dialects of the same...
05 May 2019 10,036 6 View
Dear RG Colleagues, I need a reference(s) that I can cite in a research paper that will support the commonly accepted claim: it is easier to learn a foreign language that is linguistically...
04 April 2019 6,590 13 View
Dear Colleagues, According to Ethnologue (2005) there are 7099 living languages in the world. I imagine this number may have changed. Could you provide me with a more current number and a citable...
31 January 2019 4,751 18 View
Texting in Arabic is called Franco-Arabic. Can anyone let me know its etymology? Thank you very much indeed!
12 December 2018 1,770 3 View
I am researching whether dance can be considered a language, and different languages effects on movement quality. i am interested in how dancing to spoken word, interpreting it affects dancers...
15 August 2018 4,280 11 View
Years ago (in the 90s I believe) I read a study focused on the perception of language that found male-gender terms (man) used to represent a broader demographic (people) are still perceived as...
06 June 2018 2,825 5 View
Can we consider language a complex adaptive system? If so, how can we model it, and how can we test a model like this? We tried a model considering it as a system composed of four...
04 April 2018 6,138 22 View
Hello researchers, I am looking for articles on language (speech, vocabulary, and so on) and social development of children and adolescents. Especially I would be interested in materials that...
05 March 2018 5,861 3 View
Do babies and people without language think in words and language?
03 March 2018 606 14 View
As a researcher of English Language, I wanted to apply traditional X-Bar Theory on a variety of English Language, but I could not get the results those I wanted! Please suggest me if I apply...
03 March 2018 4,418 6 View
Language and gap generation
13 February 2018 9,843 12 View
02 February 2018 2,577 12 View
Isn't it urgent to simlify?
27 January 2018 9,483 3 View