I need to cover a metal surface with a thin layer of a water soluble polymer and this layer should adhere very well and not separate , also no-toxic ... what are the feasible methods?please advise
As I have done spin coating of PDMS upon Al Foil, So may be in your case you can use spin coating technique upon your metal with your respective polymer.
Its all depends upon your metal morphology, is it a wire or particles or a film?
You can do the following method to improve the adhesion.
1. using silanes as adhesion promoters. The do a fairly well job.
2. roughen the surface by sandpaper or blasting to increase the anchoring sites where the polymer will form anchors.
3. Use low molecular weight polymer, it is likely to have better adhesion. High molecular weight leads to cohesion in the film and film resists bonding to metals.
Hi Seyede, In my experience the roughness of the surface and the cleaning of it play a very important role in terms of mechanical connection. Depending on the type of polymer and your metal surface, you can "activate" the surface by various methods with chemically functional groups and radicals on the surface.
If you want to get any detailed answer you might provide more data on your case. What is the surface to coat, which material, which treatment possibilities are available and so on.