I'm looking for T cell proliferation assay setup.

Has it a rationale to use splenocytes from two congeneic mice 1) as responders (from immunized mice, cfse labeled) and 2) as APC from the second in T cell proliferation assay? (gating on congeneics and CD4)

As far as I searched, I couldn't find this combination, purified T cells (responders)+splenocytes - yes, just splenocytes - yes, with the engagement of cell lines - yes, but with two splenocytes from two source in antigen specific proliferation assay - at present - no.

Why if gating is used, one doesn't use whole splenocytes (erythrocyte lysed of course)? The only hint I have found is "high background". Is it indeed obligatory to separate T cell responders?

Why I'm not concerning spleen from one animal (immunized), because (if the logic is correct) I will know the exact time when I added responders (antigen needs processing, so one need to wait) when I use two spleens.

Second question inside: Odoes mitomycin affect antigen processing, is it obligatory to add it after presumed antigen full processing?

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