12 December 2015 18 6K Report

Dear HPLC experts, we currently have rather huge problems with our G1329A autosampler - it does not constantly inject the right volume (which is crucial for quantitative analysis). For example, if I have 83 µl in my microvolume insert and it is doing 80 µl injections, some of the vials are nearly empty after analysis (that's how it should be!), but some are not (10-50 µl left in the insert)! Injection volume is wrong randomly, e.g. 3 vials in a row are fine, then 2 not, the next is fine and then the next 4 wrong again. Same solvent for all samples, few % AcN in water. For lower volumes, this problem is less, 10 µl are injected rather exact, but still not very reliable. We have a 100 µl sample loop.

Please help me in giving ideas how to fix that unit. My ideas: change needle, needle seat and (maybe) sample loop. After each part change, I'll check for the injections ~ 10 times.

Is there any other part which could be broken? A kind of "motor" giving the vacuum to soak in the solution from the vial to the needle? How to clean this one then? Maybe something stuck somewhere? As I said, some injections are working fine, some do not...

Thanks a lot!!!

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