I am trying to do insertion (1 basepair change, 2 basepair changes) and deletion (50 base deletion) mutations using the Agilent Quikchange Lightning kit. However the mutagenesis does not seem to work. I have colonies from all of the mutations, but they are all false positives. Could someone please recommend any suggestions.
I constructed the primers using the agilent website (TM > than 78 degrees) and the primers were purified according to their protocol. I also checked for secondary structures such as hairpins or self-dimerization and couldn’t find anything that would contribute to a low mutagenesis efficiency. (see attachment for primers).
My plasmid is about 10kb , so I used the following program:
1 cycle - 95 degrees - 2 min
18 cycles } - 95 degress - 20 sec
- 60 degrees - 10 sec
- 68 degrees - 5 min (30 sec for 1KB)
1 cycle - 68 degrees - 5 min
I have increased the annealing temperature to 68 degrees as recommended by the kit and i still don't have any colonies.
The recommended dpn1 digestion time with the kit is 5 min at 37 degrees. I have increased the dpn1 digest up to an hour. I have fewer colonies with increased dpn1 digest but again they were false positives.
I have tried using different concentrations of the template (10ng, 50ng and 100ng) and I still have colonies with no mutations.
The control plasmids (pWhitescript 4.5-kb control plasmid ) provided with the kit worked well (see attachment for picture). My template lacks the LacZ region and i cannot select colonies using x-Gal/IPTG. I selected almost all the colonies and sequenced them.
I would be really grateful for any help/advice.
Thank you