hello everyone, I need to do standard curves for my qPCR, what is the ideal efficiency range? I tried a primer (Mglu2 receptor) that gave an efficiency of 90.2%. Is it accepted?
I think that it is great that you are doing efficiency experiments as many people do not bother to do this when they are performing qPCR. In my experience, I like to have my efficiency around 95% as do my colleagues.
Brandon A Kemp Thank you for your answer, my colleagues also consider 95% as optimal efficiency, but on the Bio-Rad website I found this file which says that the efficiency can be between 90-110%.
I have seen that on biorad's website too. I think that you will be ok with an efficiency of 90.2% as long as your difference between comparison groups is fairly large. If you are comparing control vs treatment group and the difference in cycles or 2-(2delta ct) values are very small, the efficiencyof your PCR reaction becomes more critical. Are your differences fairly large?