My protein are of 30-60 kD range. I use 9% gels and transfer them on Amersham's Semi dry unit (0.8mA/cm.sq for 1hr). I use 14.4g Glycine, 3.03 g Tris base and 0.1% SDS per litre of MQ water. My transfer buffer has the same composition of tris and glycine; with 0.03% SDS and 20% methanol.

All of the sudden protein stopped transferring to NC. None of the solutions were changed. The top lid of our semi dry unit had salt sediments, so I cleaned it with 10% acetic acid. After that, the protein transferred but not as good as it used to be. All of my other lab mates run 1.5 mm gels. Hence they prefer total wet transfer in a Bio-rad unit(80V/1h). I run 1 mm gels. Hence, I assumed that my transfer will also work well with the same parameters. But, majority of my protein did not transfer as was the case with Semi-dry unit.

Clearly, there is no issue with these transfer units - I tried changing all the buffer components but my problem is not rectified. I am sure I am not handling something well, but I am not sure what it is.

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