15 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Christer Ericsson
Certainly many carcinomas (epithelial derived tumors) spread at least in part through the lymphatic system since lymph node metastases exist, and also are part of clinical prognostication. That in...
12 December 2015 1,120 10 View
Does it matter if the tumor burden is in the primary tumor exclusively or if it is divided between primary tumor and metastases?
05 May 2014 2,799 4 View
In 1869, the resident physician at Melbourne hospital, Australia, Thomas Ashworth for the first time observed cells from a postmortem blood sample, from a patient who had about 30 subcutaneous...
12 December 2013 2,656 4 View
The loss of gene function would be expected to be close to random initially, but the cancer specific effects would occur because of hits on tumor suppressor genes. There are of course notable...
07 July 2013 2,818 1 View
Current methods of isolating CTCs are based on either specific cell surface markers, such as EpCAM (which limits the range of cells one can isolate), on size, density or on screening massive...
07 July 2013 9,468 5 View
Since there is a rough biological correlation between the amount of chromosomal material and cell size, one could expect those aneuploid cells with large duplications to be both large and highly...
07 July 2013 6,730 32 View
To dissect the efficiency, or yield, of metastasis of different cell lines.
07 July 2013 1,813 4 View
They should have reduced or absent epithelial characteristics, so how do you discriminate them from authentic mesenchymal cells?
07 July 2013 4,005 19 View
The fraction of dying cells would be expected to be of less scientifically and clinically interesting. It would be good to know the fraction and to know which are actually living and may do...
07 July 2013 5,773 2 View
Dormancy leads to solid tumour Minimal Residual Disease. Awakening from dormancy leads to early or late metastatic disease.
11 November 2012 1,357 1 View
EpCAM positive circulating tumour cells would, by definition, retain a fair amount of epithelial characteristics. Does that mean that hey are not (very) invasive and do not have (much) stem...
11 November 2012 5,506 3 View
In vitro, and in vivo, experiments would be expected to tell us the minimal diameter an invading cancer cell can get through. It would be much smaller than the static diameter of the cell. But...
11 November 2012 5,132 3 View
Passive shedding, random migration, directed migration?
11 November 2012 4,892 15 View
What protein biomarkers exist today for disseminated cancer cells of unknown origin? What kinds of markers may we expect, or request, in the future?
08 August 2012 4,268 8 View
Epithelial derived cells are typically too large in static dimensions to fit through the static dimensions of capillaries, and so would be expected to be cleared the first time the entire blood...
08 August 2012 9,810 51 View