I try to over-express some proteins with a cMyc tag in mammalian cell lines (HeLa at least). I've inserted by PCR a CAT gene with a cMyc tag into the plasmid pcDNA3.1(-) with a kozak sequence (ANNATGG). Then I removed the CAT (with flanking restriction sites) and added 3 others proteins, X, Y and Z by PCR. I've checked the sequences, all seems fine: same frame, no mutation.
I've expressed them in HeLa cells (2 µg or 4 µg of DNA with 6 µL of Lipofectamine 2000 on 6 wells). Using western blotting (anti-cMyc-HRP, A5598, Sigma), I detect only X (140 kD) and Z (50kD). Not Y (55kD), and not the CAT (27 kD). I've tried different transfers (dry/wet), to dilute of the antibody to reduce the background, a most sensitive ECL (ECL+ Perkins), used a control myc-protein from a colleague and so on... Nothing.
The problem doesn't seems to be the detection. I've repeated the transfection and the same proteins are missing. As I said, I checked the sequences. I've re-checked them and they're still fine. So I am a little lost here...
If you have any thoughts, I would be grateful !