I used miRNeasy Serum/Plasma kit (Qiagen) to purify RNA from 5 serum samples (200 ul), as indicated in the protocol, and then I quantified with the spectrophotometer NanoVue.

No sample had a good purity (260/280), that varied from 0.641 to 1.387.

Two samples had concentrations and amounts sufficient to make a reverse transcription (concentrations of 13.6 ng/ul and 18.8 ng/ul and amounts of 149.6 ng and 206.8 ng).

The other 3 samples had concentrations and amounts insufficient to perform RT (concentrations from 7.5 ng/ul to 8.7 ng/ul and amounts from 82.5 ng to 95.7 ng). I will use miScript II RT kit (Qiagen), which recommends a RNA input of 125-250 ng.

I tried to make some modifications in the protocol, but I could not get a better result.

Qiagen recommended to use a fixed volume to perform the RT, once spectrophotometers are not good to quantify low concentrations. However, if I use a fixed volume of purified RNA, this can compromise the results of this study, whose aim is to find biomarkers.

Should I proceed using all these samples? With which RNA amount could I perform the RT? Do you recommend an alteration in the protocol?

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