- S2 Medium 10% heat-inactivated FBS + Pen/Strep then 0.2um-filter-sterilize?
- I thawed a frozen S2 cells at P3, removed DMSO, and grew them about 2-3 days and split them 1:10 (so they are now P4) in multiple flasks for future freezing.
The new flasks grew just a little bit, hardly if I may say. Over the weekend, I noticed a lot of cell debris, much more than usual and also some motile black spots (Brownian? They did not do directional motion at 600x). While the flask, in which I thawed my S2 cells, grew normally.
Different thing I did this time is filter sterilizing the medium. Could it be the reason? Or did I dilute this too far considering the cells were just thawed and only passed 1x?