Accurate estimation is actually depend upon the concentration of COD in wastewater sample. If your COD is less than 1000 mg/L, I suggest to instrumental COD digestion method Where you Would require 1-2 mL of sample in instrumental COD tube method. if your COD range is upto 4500 mg/L, I prefer sulphuric acid-dichromate (SAD) digestion method that involves digestion by means of distillation in Sauxlet unit. Similarly, if your COD range is 20,000-250,000 mg/L. I recommend SAD with 20-100 times dilution of the sample. We found a COD range of 247,000 mg/L in pharma wastewater, about 20,000 mg/L in food processing wastewater and upto 6,500 mg/L in tannery wastewater.
Please ignore typing and linguistic errors, as it was done in hurry.