Afternoon everyone,

I am currently using Q5 polymerase from NEB to add restriction sites to an insert in a pBabepuro plasmid (~5400 Kb vector and 2.2 Kb insert). I have designed the primers to target the first 20 BP and last 20 BP of the insert, the restriction sites are added before and after the insert along with a 6 BP cap on each. The primers have been checked for hairpin formation and dimerization. I am using a standard set up, 2mM Mg++, 1uM primer, 200 uM dNTP, 10-50ng plasmid, and 0.5 uL Q5 polymerase in 50 uL. 

For the PCR reaction 98C initial denaturing for 30s, then 30 cycles - 98C 10s, 62C 20s, 72C 1min, then final extension at 72C for 5 min. 

I seen a faint band at 700 and 1200bp when I run the product out on a gel, I expect to see a 2.2kb product. There is faint smearing at the bottom of the gel occasionally.   When isolated the 1200 BP product can be ligature into a new vector and cloned on antibiotic selection plates. The resulting colonies produce a plasmid that contains ~200-400 BP of the desired insert but the rest of the insert is a random sequence.

I appreciate any thoughts you all may have and please let me know if you need any more information.


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