I have been running several western blots over the past few days and have had the same issue where large proteins seem to stain nicely where as the smaller (~50 Kda) stain very poorly. I am using 4-12% Bis-Tris Nu-PAGE gels and loading 10-15 ug of protein into each well. I have been using 1x Tris-MOPS running buffer and running at 200 Volts. For transfer I am using a Bis-Tris Bicine transfer buffer and transferring for ~3 hours at 30 Volts. I have been blocking overnight at 4°C in BSA and TBST 0.1% SDS. For imaging I am incubating with a primary antibody, beta-actin 1/2000, DNApkcs and ATM 1/100. Finally using a secondary HRP linked antibody. I have attached 3 images, DNApkcs, ATM, and beta-actin.

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