Hello All,

I am currently struggling with getting a Gibson Assembly to work. I am trying to insert a 2.5 Kb insert into a roughly 12 Kb plasmid (modified pLEX-MCS). I have had the G.A work in the past with the same plasmid.

Currently, I am creating the insert with 25 BP of homology on both ends via PCR with Q5 polymerase, this is the same homology sequence I have used in the past. For the G.A itself I am using ~60 ng of the vector and ~40 ng of the vector which is 3:1 insert to vector. Incubating at 50 C for 60 minutes followed by transformation using 3uL of the product. Transformation of the G.A product, cut vector and insert result in no colonies while ~10ng of the uncut vector results in a field of bacteria on the plate.

Side note, the gene I am inserting is non-toxic to bacteria, I am PCRing the insert from a pBabe vector which does not seem to affect the bacteria containing it,


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