Hello, everyone

I've been struggling for almost a month already when amplifying a promoter from the whole mouse genome:

- I already designed 4 primers and have been trying them all (meaning a total of 4 pairs of primers)

- I've been adding 3% DMSO because it´s 60% GC rich and this has worked in the past with our PCRs

- Tried temperatures from 53-61ºC

- Every time I try a new temperature I try different magnesium concentrations (MgCl2+) starting from 0.6 microliters per 20 microliters of total volume until 2 microliters per 20 microliters of total volume (meaning from 1.5 mM until 5 mM)

- I´ve checked the DNA I´ve been using and it has an OK concentration (72.8 ng/uL) and 1.78 Abs 260/280

I really don´t know what else to try or check. I see no bands whatsoever and whenever I see something it´s only 200 pb and I am trying to get an almost 2k band.

Thank you very much in advance for all of your kind answers.

I will really appreciate it

Thanks again

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