Hello, everyone

I have been struggling to amplify a mouse promotor for almost 2 months now. This fragment is:

- Roughly 1500-1700 pb depending on the set of primers

- GC content of about 60%, with several regions over 75%

At the beginning I did not even get bands at all. Recently, when I bought a new forward primer, I at least got bands of 700-800 pb and under. However, for a while now, no matter what I change:

- Annealing temperature, which I went to as down as 48ºC

- Extension time 1:30-2 minutes

- initial denaturalization 5 minutes at 95ºC

- DMSO 0-1-2-3-4-5%

- Betaine 0.5M-1M-1.5M-2M-2.5M

- DMSO and Betaine together (5%DMSO and 1M Betaine)

I always get the same 800 pb size band. Does anyone have an idea? This is the first primer that at least have amplified something bigger, the maximum I got before this primer was 300 pb.

Thanks in advance

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