Good morning, everyone

I am amplyfing and then digesting a specific insert that I later want to clone into a vector. OK.

The PCR from genome works great and I obtain concentrations of 400-500 ng/ul with a clear band with no inespecific bands. However, after digestion and spin column-based nucleic acid purification, my concentration is 7-11 ng/ul (!!!!). How is this possible???? From 500 to 11?? :(

I know you always lose some DNA after purification but this seems waaaay too much.

What am I doing wrong? I even tried some tricks to improve yield such as incubating the membrane with the DNA for longer periods of time (5min instead of 1 min) or even at 37ºC instead of RT.

Also I perform this digestion overnight... could that be too much and I am degrading the DNA??

I really don´t know what to do. With such low concentrations, ligation will be problematic. When I try insert-insert ligation to check that both ends are properly digested, I don´t even see bands in the gel, it´s like there´s nothing.

Should I purify DNA in a different way? Should I not purify it for ligation? Should I combine several PCRs in one column so that final concentration is higher?

Please help me

Thank you very much in advance.

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