Hi, everyone

I am using a 4.3kb vector to clone both a promotor and an enhancer. I already have a positive miniprep with no mutations in the promotor, therefore I took some of this plasmid, digested it with BamHI, treated it with CIP and off I went trying to insert the enhancer now. I did everything as I was doing before: made sure the plasmid is digested by running some of it next to the undigested plasmid, made sure the enhancer is properly digested in both extremes (BglII) as well with a insert-insert ligation, made the math considering plasmid and insert size to get how many nanograms of each you need...

And I got zero positive colonies out of 24. Zero!

This is not what we usually get. Last time I cloned the promotor I got 3 positive colonies out of 15.

What's the big difference? Is it she size?

Vector: 4.3kb

Promotor: 1.4kb

Enhancer: 1.6kb

This means that by the time I try to insert the enhancer, the vector is only 1.3kb larger, 5700 instead of 4300. I don´t understand how that can make such a difference.

None of my inserts is huge, neither is the plasmid, I made sure they were all properly digested, I performed ligation as usual (16ºC O/N, 5ul of total volume), transformation went OK since I got plenty of colonies...

What should I try? How can I know what´s wrong?

Thank you very much in advance

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