Whenever I run my protein (MWmonomer = ~12 kDa) on an SDS-PAGE gel, I always see another band present at ~25 kDa (roughly the size of the dimer). I suspect that the band is the dimeric form of the protein that is capable of resisting heat/SDS. For standard gels, I use a loading buffer that consists of 6% SDS and 10% BME. Before loading, I boil my samples at 95 degrees C for 5-10 minutes. Under these conditions, I still observe the dimer band. I have tried using urea and guanidium HCl to denature the dimer but neither technique was successful. Are there any other methods I could use to denature this extremely stable dimer?

I am currently analyzing the band with mass spec. to confirm my suspicions but I would still like to show denaturation of the dimer via experimental techniques.

I have attached an image of a gel that shows the dimer band for reference.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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