23 September 2015 10 3K Report

Hello everyone,

I am trying create fluorescent tagged versions of two proteins, but unfortunately I cannot get my cloning to work, although I have changed a lot of things it's still not working.

So I have designed primers for amplifying the genes out of the plasmids they were previously cloned in. I have introduced restriction enzyme sites within my primers, and I added 3 nucleotides before the restriction site. My PCR works fine and I get nice strong bands. Also I have tested and optimised the restriction designs  by single digesting my plasmids (I use enzymes from NEB). After optimising the times all enzymes gave nice single bands.

After the PCR reaction I gel clean my PCR products using the Qiagene gel clean kit. Following that I double digest my PCR products and my plasmids (the plasmids were perched from add gene) and I run the products on a gel and I gel clean the double digested PCR products and the double digested plasmids. Following the gel clean I de-phosphorylate the plasmids using CIP from NEB and I gel clean once again. 

My ligations were set at different vector to insert ratios starting from 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 and 1:7. I have set the ligations at room temperature for 1 hour or overnight at 16 degrees. For the ligations I used the T4 Ligase from NEB and I set the ligations according to the NEB protocol.

For my transformations I have used DH5a E.coli, and 10-beta competent E.coli from NEB. For the transformation I have used the full volume of my ligation (20 μl) to 50 μl of competent cells. I kept the cells on ice for 30 minutes and then I heat socked the bacteria at 42 degrees for 1 minute, and then they were placed again on ice. for 5 minutes. Following that I added 300 μl of LB or SOC to the cells and I incubated the transformed bacteria at 37 degrees on a shaking incubation. I plated the transformed bacteria on selection plates and incubated overnight at 37. After having set 60 ligation reactions I only got one colony on one plate which proven to be just a self ligated plasmid. 

I really do not know what else I can change or how I can make this to work. I feel that the problem is found in the PCR double digestion, but I do not have a way to test that.

Any ideas or suggestions will be highly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance.

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