I'm looking for the gene which can be a positive control under drought conditions for real time PCR in rice. I found some papers about drought stress in rice but most of them do not use a positive control. Can anyone help me?
Why not use a house-keeping gene as a positive control? One that would be expressed regardless of the conditions the rice is exposed to. This would be more appropriate than a gene that is up- or down-regulated in response to drought, as this would ensure that the PCR is working.
Its true as James said, house keeping genes like actin, tubulin express the same in all samples irrespective of the treatment. So, you can compare the expression of interested genes with a positive control. I used Actin as a positive control when i was checking the differential expression of genes with qRT-PCR.
Actually, I used house keeping genes as reference genes (Ubi5, eEF). But I want to make sure that my manipulation is right, treatment is right and my samples can be used.