04 April 2014 4 361 Report

I have found dwarf phenotype, cosegregate to T-DNA insertion. My problem is:

1. T_DNA insertion (pGA2715 vector) locates between 2 genes(A and B), upstream of A around 82bp, expression level of A in homo up around 2 fold, expression level of B in homo up around 4 fold (but expression level of B very low, around 0.004).

3. However, if phenotype is caused by activation of the gene, the hetero plants do not show any differences to wild type plants.

3. I have over-expression of A gene, it does not show any dwarf phenotype (looks like wild type).

Phenotypes might be caused by activation of gene B, but hetero plants do not show phenotypes and this makes me really confused, moreover B protein is a kind of hypothetical protein.

Does anyone have experience with this, and can you confirm what caused this phenotype?

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