if I correctly understood, your question is related to hepatitis B positive patients.
Usually dedicated HD machines (please see European Best Practice Guideline below as well as pdf attached) in isolated rooms should be used for HVB postive patients anbd the machines shall be desinfected after each use. Hope this helps, wramest regards Michaela
Guideline VI.6.4
A. Universal precautions for prevention of transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the health care setting should be rigorously respected in all HD units. These
. cleaning and disinfection of instruments, machines
and environmental surfaces after each treatment;
. avoidance of sharing articles among patients;
. frequent hand washing and use of disposable gloves;
. use of protective eye wear and face mask.
(Evidence level: C)
B. Dialyzed HBs Ag-positive patients should be treated in separate rooms with dedicated machines.
To which manufacturer does the machine belong? Each of them, Fresenius included have their SOPs for cleaning, disinfection, etc.
To be on the safe side, I suggest you contact the manufacturer who will forward you the SOP for disinfection and cleaning for such "infection" cases. BR, M
In 1975 we had shown that sterilizing dialysis machines with acetic acid was effective for avoiding the dissemination of HBs virus from patient to patient.
An electron microscopic study of viral particles showed that acetic acid induced a lysis of the central core.
Of course you can't demonstrate anything on one kidney machine, but if the manufacturer agrees I'd sterilize the contaminated machine with acetic acid.