I am planning to quantify the two fungal toxins in coffee simultaneously using HPLC but our equipment has no fluorescence detector. Is it possible to utilize UV detection?
The fluorescence detector is the most suitable for ochratoxin A detection. As far as I know, there is no method utilizing UV detector with HPLC equipment. Alternative to HPLC is the use of semi-quantitative TLC or ELIZA kits that are cheaper although not so acurate. See: Amerzqueta eta al, 2012" OTA-producing fungi in foodstaffs: a review". food control.
Thank you for your replies. We only have UV HPLC with photodiode array. I am currently searching for methods which utilized UV for detecting ochratoxin A. It says detection is at 218 nm using water:acetonitrile (1:1) as eluent. My next question is, can I detect ochratoxin A using UV and use PDA to determine the identity of the compound if they have the same retention time?
YOU STUDY THE STRUCTURE OF THE COMPOUNDS FIND ITS UV MAXIMUM ABSORPTION. then you set your own method the best one theoreticaly by seeing solubility .Thats how I do with only HPLC with UV detector