We usually use MTT assay with more cervix carcinoma cell lines to detect antiproliferative effect of drugs. At the end of these measurements we get absorbance values according to produced formazan crystals what is proportional to cell viability. The measured values of treated cells are always compared to values of untreated control cells. In general, the measured absorbance values of untreated controll cells (which are comes from one cell line) are constant. In the case of C33A cancer cervix carcinoma cell line the absorbance values of controll cells are about 2700 (usually between 2500 and 3000, according to formazan producing of spreaded cells in plate, 10.000 cells/well). Nowdays I experienced that these values decreased, only about 2000 in experiments. It refers a strong decreasing of cell growth activity in the case of C33A cell line. What is the reason of this decreasing? Have somebody ever experienced similar growth activity decreasing on C33A cell line? Thank you for answers!

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