
I have a planned experiment using organoids derived from a Rosa26mT/mG (dual color, Cre inducible reporter) PDAC GEMM. On my first pilot study all of the immune competent mice have seemed to reject the orthotopic organoids, while the athymic nudes developed tumors.

I suspect the GFP has elicited an immune response in these mice (although none have been sacrificed yet in case of a slower-developing tumor).

If I were to use a mouse which is homozygous for the reporter gene only (no Cre actviation, all cells would remain RFP+ in the host) as the immune competent mice, would they have a lower likelihood of rejecting organoids which are expressing GFP via the same endogenous reporter?

Outside of the "glowing head mice" I am unsure of any other solutions going forward as far as using an immune competent animal that would be tolerant of the tagged organoids.



Rosa mT/mG mice https://www.jax.org/strain/007576

"Glowing head mice" https://www.jax.org/strain/027662

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