01 January 2018 5 6K Report

I am trying to detect IL-1 beta in brain tissue homogenates (rat hippocampus and striatum) using an ELISA kit (R&D) but I am not getting any signal in my samples, even though I am able to get a good standard curve.

I have tried 3 different buffers to process my samples: RIPA (Thermo-Fischer), sucrose buffer or bicine/NaCl (CelLytic MT from Sigma). My processing protocol is: dissection of the brain, freezing in liquid nitrogen then -80C until use. I then add buffer (1:10 ratio), homogenize using sonificator, incubate on ice for 30min and centrifuge 12min at 13,500rpm at 4C. I use the resulting supernatants to do the ELISAs. I have tried various concentrations of samples (undiluted, 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20) but none of them give me any signal. I am able to get a signal when I spike any of the buffers with a bit of the control included in the kit.

Would anybody have any explanation of why I am not getting signal?

Thank you very much!!

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