I recently used Illumina BaseSpace's 16S Metagenomics App to gather some preliminary data. After the analysis, there was identification of a number of "unknown species". I was wondering if there was anyway of seeing what the actual sequences are for these "unknown species". Illumina told me they didn't have those kinds of output files.

As a bit of background, I used the Illumina MiSeq NGS platform with paired end reads and used general primers for the V3-V4 region and adapters for the Illumina Nextera Indexing Kit. The project goal is to build a phlyogenetic representation of bacterial species found in the water of a number of caves that are geographically near each other. We want to see how closely these "unknown species" that the app identified relate to the known species in the samples.

This is a side project and I am not a bioinformaticist, so this is all very new to me.

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